02 September, 2012

The Magic Word: "Profit"

Prof·it  [prof-it]
1. the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested.
2. advantage; benefit; gain.

When I was a little kid and wanted something bad they always said: “Say the magic word”. Back at the time, the magic word referred to “Please”. Nowadays, it seems that politeness is dead or at least about to extinct. As long as you bring the “Profit” in to the equation, you do not have to be polite… Did Profit become to be the new Please?
Have you ever thought how close does Profit sound to Prophet? It is probably a pure coincidence, but very ironic one. In the past prophet was a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people (e.g. Moses guiding people from Israel). In the modern world, on the other hand, the word prophet more refers to person regarded as, or claiming to be, an inspired teacher or leader. Which makes me think: are we in the age when we exchange our prophets for our profit, in other word, learning for money? Is profit nowadays prophet?
Let us look at it from a little different point of view. In 1490’s Christopher Columbus is asking royal Spain family to support his trip to the undiscovered west. Columbus desires to learn and furthermore prove that the Earth is round.  If it would not be for his curiosity, America would probably not be discovered until much later and it would most likely completely change the American history. You might not be even here…
What is the moral of the story then?
We need to learn, respect, and help others even in the situations when there is no profit coming out of it. If we stay individualistic and ignorant (as we are now) we will not be able to move forward, and the whole society will deteriorate into shit.

20 July, 2012

I Wanna Fuck You on Your Work Desk Right Now!

There are a lot of things that are constraining us here. It feels like they put me in an already little cage that I barely fit into (so I have to stick my arms and legs out) and somehow with every single attempt to get comfortable they make it even tighter and tighter...
Since when is it a sin to compliment on someone else’s body? And why should I feel offended about it?
Women, what do you say when someone else compliments on your dress?
“Oh this old piece of shit?” Hoping that those people will start persuade you about it being otherwise? Bullshit! No one will! People, and especially men, don’t want to argue with you. And you know what? They will never ever compliment you on anything ever again, because you do not know how to take a compliment...
I have an advice for you... When someone tells you that your dress looks nice, you say: “Oh, thank you. I’m glad you like it.” or “Oh, thank you. That’s what I needed to hear.” By doing this, we encourage people to compliment us much more. However, this should be the same when someone compliments on anything of yours - new haircut, good looking ass or sexy boobs!
Why are women, and especially American women, so uptight about anything that comes down to their body? You think you look fat? Well do something about it instead of complaining! But if someone compliments your fat ass than you say thank you! Because it doesn’t matter if you are happy with it or not the person on the others side obviously likes it. So, enjoy the attention!

13 July, 2012

Life in the aquarium

Every week we go sailing, or at least boating. We go out during the day, but sometimes even at night. We take random people who have never been on the boat before. And night after night you can always here: “Oh look, you can see the stars!”
What happened to you America? How come your people cannot see the stars?
I got an answer for it and it is not Americas’ problem that you cannot see stars… You are the part of the problem. You wonder why? Because you are afraid of dark. You are also afraid of bugs or spiders, of too much of the sun or cold water, of strange people and anything you don’t know.
And that is why you build barriers and boundaries around yourself. You put yourself willingly into an aquarium, so you can see outside, but nothing can hurt you. My question is: “Is this a real life, though?” You are preventing yourself from experiencing what matters.
You are surprised, why are you sick, but it’s just because you weren’t exposed to any kind of bacteria/viruses growing up. You didn’t come in contact with dirt, grass, or polluted water. Now you are sick, have allergies, or asthma…
You are surprised, you are alone, but it’s because it is too much work to have functional relationship. I know all those excuses that you never grew up in the functional relationship – your parents are divorced for ages. And what? Are you living your parents’ life? You were thought that you are the star, the number one and of course that is why you don’t want to share. That is also why you are expecting that there is some bigger and better out there for you. You don’t want to be the one who settle for ‘just someone’. And behold… You are alone…
You are so alienated even to yourself that you are uncomfortable even being naked. You need to cover yourself even when passing from your room to the restroom (because it’s not classy to say toilet). Do you think you were born dressed up? You just popped out of the womb in a little tuxedo saying: “Good evening, gentlemen.”
Wake up people! Turn your light off and look at the stars!